Heatpump woes chapter 2

Yesterday was the first day of Winter for NZ. I haven’t made any great progress in sorting my heatpump woes and received an email from my landlady instead to resend the correct email to Heatpump service people of her correct email as they’ve sent her an email to the incorrect email address. How she had found out that it wasn’t the correct email address, is unknown but I immediately sent them the right email address and she’d gotten the quote and invoice for the service done last Friday and a price for new heatpump with installation.

Then, came the email of no plans yet of going forward with the company as the price is 4.5knzd and Landlady said that she’ll look at different quotes first and see from when she comes back with her decision. I have no central heating for this week and it will be this Saturday that’s she’ll be back. Just conversing with her through email has given me panic attacks and had me overthinking over several things.

I have brought my heater out and just cocooned myself inside my room for now. I hope that I won’t get ill and this problem is resolved. I’m praying each day for any news/update on my mortgage preapproval process so I can hopefully move on from this dilemma.

I’m ambivalent on whether I remove her totally from my life once I physically leave the place to move to future “purchased first” house.

I’m working on speculation and have thought the worst of the situation that our friendship is broken because I stopped being hopeful several years back.

I’m not at peace and I can’t really relax in my living space at home.

This is not a great week.

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